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Pay Per Click Questionnaire
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Your responses will help us understand your PPC goals and the mission of your company. Your input is necessary although we will research and contribute ideas and recommendations.
1. What is your website?
2. Who are your competitors?
3. Are you currently using an agency (or have you ever in the past) or are you managing pay-per-click in-house?
4. What platforms are you using (or have you used in the past)? (i.e. Adwords, Centro, etc.)
5. What types of campaigns are you running (or have you run in the past)? i.e. Search, Remarketing, Display, Call-Only, etc.
6. How much are you spending per month per platform? Are you looking to increase, decrease or maintain that spend?
7. What regions/geographic locations are you currently targeting (or have you targeted in the past)?
8. How many leads (calls, web forms, etc.) are you getting from your campaigns? How many leads would you prefer to get?
9. If you're running search ads, what keywords are you buying (or have you bought in the past)? Are you buying your name and/ or competitors' names?
10. What is your average cost-per-click? What is your average click-through-rate?
11. What challenges have you experienced with doing pay-per-click?
12. Do you have tracking installed on your website to track leads from your campaigns?
13. What is your profit per lead and what is your desired cost per lead?
14. What is your overall goal with pay-per-click? (i.e. Branding, Lead Generation, etc.)
15. What percentage of your business is repeat business?
16. What's the lifetime value of one of your customers?
17.If you're currently doing pay per click (or have done pay per click in the past), what has worked well and where do you think you can improve?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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